Member-only story

Justice Not Served

Would You Want Me On Your Jury?

Suffering from jury fury

Fudgin' Politics


Ruth Bader Ginsburg sign that says Injustice Becomes Law Resistance Becomes Duty
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

You get that fancy letter in the mail.


Oh God NO! Jury Duty!

Fancy? Because the first sentence begins “By ORDER of the” blah . . . blah . . . COURT. Order? Anyone think, screw by order of? Then the letter goes on “you are hereby summoned.” Summoned? No one summons me! And the letter used that word twice!

Buried in the middle of the letter. Some alphabet soup followed by a threat — “penalties for failure to appear.” Then bring on the “duty”. Duty? Sorry, I served in the military. I’ve done my duty.

Please don’t forget to complete the questionnaire. You can do this with your Internet. Hopefully, you have the Internet. Some of us can’t afford it these days. You can head to the Court building and complete the form. But if you can’t afford the Internet, it’s doubtful you can afford a car to drive there. Public transportation? If you live somewhere that, has it.

Then there’s another threat if you don’t finish the questionnaire. “Civil penalties”? Whatever the heck those are.

Don’t forget to read both the front and the back.



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