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Florida “Surveys” Your Politics
Public universities in Florida are going to require both faculty and students to take surveys on their political beliefs and viewpoints. You heard it right, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to know your political views and he doesn’t care if everyone knows it. Why? He says: to promote “intellectual diversity” — a concept supposedly encouraging open minds and the free exchange of ideas. Which doesn’t clear the argument of why Florida needs to know your views. Can’t they wait to see what protests their students attend — oh wait, there probably won’t be any. Gone are the days in Florida where schools are a place for open philosophies. Everyone will be too afraid to express theirs. Republicans say conservative beliefs are being repressed — maybe there’s a reason. Let’s say you get one of these surveys. Here’s a few questions you might get.
Survey Question #1:
Are you a Socialist? If so, do you have plans to take over the country [or just Florida]?
Survey Question #2:
Do you see yourself as Liberal? If so, do you expect the state government to pay for everything?
Survey Question #3: