Member-only story
Self to Younger Self: “Keep Writing”
Don’t Let Anyone Talk You Out of It
If I were to give advice to my younger, writer self I would have told myself to keep writing. I stopped after I graduated high school. Then I went into another career direction when I went into the Air Force. I thought a more stable career direction was the way to go. Going into Journalism back in the 1980s was a risky venture. “Writing is not a career”. At least that’s what I told myself or did someone else tell me. It was a long time ago. I should have taken the risk and worked harder at pursuing a career in writing. At least I should have kept writing. I could have pursued a part-time profession. Taken some writing classes. Online classes weren’t a thing 30 years ago. I could’ve looked into workshops. I have regrets. Fast-forward thirty years — I picked up writing again. Why not. I have better options today. There is plenty of online classes, seminars, workshops. Also, a ton of self-guided information online. Away I go. Writing, writing, writing.