Member-only story
Followed 100 Writers in One Day
Will You Take Up My Midnight Experiment? Tick-Tock!
Today I was on a mission. I wanted to read 100 articles on Medium — skim the long ones — from different writers. Why do you ask? To check out different writing styles, diverse topics, and disparate views. I wanted a challenge. Drawn like a magnet to the hot button issues! I kicked it off at 9 am this morning and finished at midnight.
Politics Speaks To Me — Literally
I started with articles on Politically Speaking. Because if you haven’t noticed, my alternate ego is Fudgin’ Politics. I kicked off my adventure with some satire — that’s my jam! Short of Immaculate Conception, Men are 50% Responsible for Pregnancy by Kenneth L. Warner was my first stop. He brilliantly put on display the ridiculousness of the Texas bounty for people who aid abortion seekers. I read and followed 27 writers. The topics I read ranged from Dr. Oz, elections, satire, and Randy Fredlund’s “Zombies Don’t Check Facts”!
Book Banning — Yes, you read that right in the 21st century, book banning is getting a head of steam.
I moved on from Politically Speaking because I ran out of pieces to read — at least ones that caught my eye.