Member-only story
An Open Letter to Cable News Networks
Dear Cable News:
Your headlines brag about your dominance in viewership. You boast how you are crushing the competition. You are the preferred cable news channel of . . . Democrats or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals or the newest fad party. You are the most-watched among [insert whatever demographic or timeslot]. You throw out percentages and numbers in bazillions. “We’re №1” like you were cheering at some high school game. Naming all the network alphabet soup you are beating. Not forgetting the one you want to prominently name you are thumping. How many networks would love to rave they are whipping CNN in the Nielsen ratings? Aren’t they already? Tossing out the monikers of the elite: Yawn Sannity or Plucker No Fun.
Does anyone care except network big wigs and those that are doing the bragging? OK, maybe the advertisers who are Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching in their brains. Captions read like blustering braggadocio:
‘Fox News continues cable news dominance as more Democrats in key demo tune in over MSNBC, CNN’
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ is the most-watched show among Democrats’
‘It was the 47th straight week that [insert network program] was…